Carly’s Bio

Carly Feigan, CN is a native New Yorker, trained as a clinical nutritionist. Carly has a Bachelor’s Degree in Nutrition, and several certifications in Health Science, and has maintained a thriving practice in Manhattan for 20  years. but has worked with clients all over the world. Carly has worked with clients all around the world. From California, Ecuador, Spain, and many other local and distant locations.

Carly Feigan,CN has worked as an adjunct practitioner to several prominent alternative medicine physicians in NYC and had the experience of running a 100 patient per week practice, implementing successful herbal protocols, natural medicine and clinical nutrition for autoimmune disorders, HIV, candida, obesity, diabetes, celiac disease, etc.

In 1997-2000 Carly has partnered with Equinox Fitness Center in NYC..implementing weight loss programs offered to members.

in 2001 Carly founded the 6 week Headtohealth program, which is a highly customized 6 week weight loss program which can be repeated. Now offering 6,9 and 12 week programs to accommodate all.

Carly Feigan has achieved an unprecedented **96 percent success rate in helping her clients to achieve an 8 percent drop in weight in 6 weeks, 12% weight drop in 9 weeks and a 16% weight drop in 12 weeks.

** New clients are encouraged to call for a complimentary 15-20 minute intake by phone before Carly will take you on as a client to determine whether or not you would be a good candidate for her program..

Carly has inspired thousands of people to change their lifestyle by changing their attitudes and awareness about health, wellness , dietary significance, and day-to -day habits.

Read about Carly from this article in Our Town newspaper.

Carly Feigan with Stephen Flam on Nutrition and Exercise

Call 646-226-1745 for your free 15 minute phone consultation with Carly, to see if you qualify for this program.