Proactivity is essential to stopping the spread of Covid 19, ie; wearing masks and using hand sanitizer, practicing social distancing, and good hand hygiene are examples.
Being proactive in all areas of our lives as we embrace a temporary new normal, is essential for maintaining optimal mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual health.
Examples of maintaining physical health are, staying physically fit by exercising at home or taking a long walk or jog outside ( staying more than 6 feet apart from others). Or by working out with a fitness trainer. Also, eating well and making healthy choices by keeping to a loose schedule of eating 3 meals a day, and 1 or 2 healthy snacks. Stock up on healthy foods, there is less temptation to binge on empty calories. If you find that you’re having challenges in this area, work with a dietitian or a nutritionist. Most will work virtually, to custom tailor a meal and or exercise plan that will suit your needs during this pandemic.
Meditating, laughing, and connecting with others increases endorphins, and elevated levels of oxytocin which in turn boost your immune system. A finely tuned immune system is great ammunition to combat infections #weightloss #physicallyfit